Teleflora's Sweet Embrace Bouquet - $69.95
Score big with this 3-in-1 gift! Classic red roses with pink and white blooms, a hand-blown glass vase and a sparkling heart bracelet are the keys to romance—and perhaps your new Man Cave, too.
Swirls of Love Bouquet - $54.95
Sure to impress, this romantic mix of red roses and pink stems is hand-delivered in an exclusive art glass vase she’ll adore for years to come—a loving reminder of the man who’s been in his Man Cave for hours with the guys.
Teleflora's Hearts of Gold Bouquet - $54.95
Fill her heart with love (and your Man Cave with flat screens) with this romantic gift of ravishing red roses hand-delivered in a shimmering, satin-finish glass vase.
Send a Hug® I Ruff You by Teleflora - $49.95
A doggone adorable way to say Happy Valentine’s Day to anyone in your life, this precious plush pup and cheerful bouquet are as perfect a pair as you and your new remote control.
Teleflora brings together the time-honored tradition of sending flowers with the modern benefits of an advanced florist network. By tapping over 13,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist - even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep - Teleflora's network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. And, with the organization's pioneering "Flowers in a Gift" Collection, the recipient gets a keepsake that turns the treasured gesture of a bouquet into a lasting memento. Luxe yet affordable, aspirational yet accessible, Teleflora makes every day an occasion.
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