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Flower Delivery from Teleflora

Bouquets Hand-Delivered by a Local Florist

We are proud to offer beautiful flowers that are always hand-arranged and hand-delivered by local florists. We never pack our bouquets in a box: that's the Teleflora difference! Plus we make it easy to send flowers. You can order online from your desktop, tablet, or phone. If you need to get a gift last-minute, we have same-day flower delivery available on most flower arrangements. Just place your order before 3:00 PM, Monday - Friday, or by 12:00 PM on Saturday or Sunday (in your recipient's time zone) and we’ll deliver the flowers the very same day!

Send Fresh Flowers for Every Occasion

If you don’t know what to get, here are some of the best flowers to buy for any occasion. With Teleflora, you can buy cheerful birthday blooms, thoughtful Mother's Day bouquets, funeral and sympathy flower arrangements, and your everyday beautiful florals. With a huge variety of floral arrangements, we’re sure you'll be able to find the right gift for everyone on your list.

If you don’t know what flowers to buy, you can shop flowers by type: roses, carnations, daisies, tulips, lilies, and more. You can also shop by occasion for a quick glance at the top bouquets or use our recipient guide to help you find the perfect gift. Visit the meaning of flowers glossary so you know exactly what you’re saying with your flower delivery. Last but not least, once you’ve selected your flower arrangement to send, if you need help writing cards & messages, our guide can help you pen the perfect sentiment.

Shop with the Best Teleflora Deals

If you’re looking for the best online promo codes and deals for Teleflora, look no further! In addition to coupons, we also have Deal of the Day bouquets. These allow you to pick a price that works for you and a local floral designer will create a one-of-a-kind arrangement of flowers with their own signature style and flair. Designs will vary as our artisan florists work with the freshest, in-season blooms and their own personal inspiration - but you can be sure your bouquet will delight!